Source: NASA
Posted: Sunday, October 2, 2022, 9:30 am
REMC Restores Power to One-Third of System after Ian
ASHEBORO, NC, October 2, 2022, 9:30 a.m. - Randolph Electric Membership Corporation crews worked through Saturday night to restore power to members. By the early hours of Sunday morning, all members in Randolph, Moore, Montgomery, Chatham and Alamance Counties had received power
During the Ian storm event, Randolph Electric experienced a total of 268 separate outages, affecting 10,736 meters or 32 percent of REMC’s total accounts served. Ian’s gusty winds, saturating rains and isolated flooding swept through the REMC service area Friday through Saturday. REMC’s system sustained numerous fallen trees, downed lines and broken power poles throughout its system.
Additional line personnel from sister cooperatives Union Power and Edgecombe-Martin County EMC in North Carolina, along with crew members Sumter Utilities in South Carolina, joined REMC line crew and contractors in restoration efforts.
“I am happy to report that as of 5:19 a.m. today, 100 percent of our members have power,” said Dale Lambert, CEO. “I am proud and appreciative of our line personnel and support team for going the extra mile for our members,” said Dale Lambert, CEO.
“About one-third of our members experienced an outage from this storm. As always, our team worked as safely and efficiently as possible to repair the damage,” continued Lambert.
There are still many trees that were damaged which could fall and cause new outages. In the coming week, REMC asks members to report any issue they see on their property that could potentially cause an issue.
Randolph EMC offers several options for keeping members informed:
- Follow Randolph EMC on Facebook and Twitter.
- View the online outage map.
- Find the latest press releases, alerts and preparedness tips on our recent news updates on our website.
- Tune in to local TV and radio stations for the latest updates.
- Call 1-877-REMC-OFF (1-877-736-2633) to report an outage. Members who have enrolled in REMC’s alert outage texting program, SPOTT (Status of Power Outages Through Texts), may also text OUT to this number to report an outage at their location
About Randolph Electric Membership Corporation
Randolph Electric Membership Corp. is a community-focused electric cooperative created to efficiently deliver affordable, reliable and sustainable energy to more than 33,000 homes, businesses, farms, and schools. Randolph EMC is led by and belongs to member-owners in areas of Randolph, Moore, Montgomery, Chatham and Alamance counties.
Posted: Saturday, October 1, 2022, 10 pm
REMC reports 75 members out of power. Crews will work through the night to complete restoration efforts.
Posted: Saturday, October 1, 2022, 8:50 pm
At 8:45 pm, REMC reports 83 members out of power. After a long day and couple of nights, the light is at the end of the tunnel. We appreciate our members' patience as we continue to work to get the lights on.
Posted: Saturday, October 1, 2022, 4:30 pm
REMC reports 733 meters out of power. Line Superintendent Tracy Bates works to get a new transformer functioning after the storm.
We appreciate our members' patience as we continue to get the lights on.
Posted: Saturday, October 1, 2022, 3:45 pm
REMC reports 845 meters out of power currently. Below, lineman Preston Brewer works to restore power in northwest Moore County.
We appreciate your patience as our line personnel continue to clean up from Post-Tropical Cyclone Ian.
Posted: Saturday, October 1, 2022, 1 pm
REMC reports around 1,722 meters out of power at 1:07 pm.
We thank members for their patience as our crews continue to restore power and clean up from the storm.
Posted: Saturday, October 1, 2022, 10:10 am
As of 10 am, Randolph EMC crews are working to restore power to slightly fewer than 3,200 meters. The number of meters out by county include the following:
- Randolph: 1,591
- Moore: 643
- Chatham: 624
- Alamance: 213
- Montgomery: 115
We are receiving photos and reports from members this morning of downed power lines in yards that are blocking driveways or roadways. Please remember to stay far away from power lines, as the ground could be energized. The wet conditions compound the threat of danger.
Report outages to 1-877-REMC-OFF and stay safe. We thank our members for their patience as our crews work as safely and efficiently as possible to restore power after this storm.
Posted: Saturday, October 1, 2022, 9 am
Randolph Electric Membership Corporation crews are currently working to restore power to approximately 3,879 members after remnants of Tropical Cyclone Ian swept through the cooperative’s service areas in Randolph, Moore, Montgomery, Chatham and Alamance Counties. Gusty winds, widespread, heavy rain and isolated flooding caused numerous fallen trees and broken poles.
Throughout this storm event, more than 9,588 meters experienced a power outage, representing 29 percent of REMC’s total accounts serviced. Additional line personnel from sister cooperatives Union Power and Edgecombe Martin County EMC in North Carolina, along with crew members from South Carolina, arrived early this morning to join REMC line crew and contractors in restoration efforts.
Some areas of the system have experienced extensive damage with multiple broken poles and numerous trees on short sections of line. Although great progress was made yesterday and through the night, it will take some time to get these repairs completed,” said Dale Lambert, Randolph EMC’s CEO. “We can promise that our crews are working as efficiently and safely as possible to get all members restored,” he added.
Members who experience a power outage should report it by calling 1-877-736-2633 (1-877-REMC-OFF). We appreciate members’ patience as crews continue to make progress. The latest outage information is always available on REMC’s online outage map.
Posted: Friday, September 30, 2022, 7:30 pm
REMC currently reports 117 outages affecting over 3,800 members.
In the service territory, those without power number:
- Over 1,400 members in Randolph County;
- Over 900 members in Moore County;
- Over 800 members in Alamance County;
- Over 400 in Chatham County; and
- Over 200 in Montgomery County.
We continue to see worsening conditions and urge the public to stay home and stay safe as Tropical Storm Ian progresses through the Carolinas. The photos below were taken late in the day.
We appreciate the patience of our members as our lineworkers work through the night to restore power.
Posted: Friday, September 30, 2022, 5:30 pm
REMC currently reports 86 outages affecting over 1,800 members. Randolph County has the largest number of members out of power at present.
Lineworkers continue to witness trees falling on lines as well as broken poles. If you experience a tree falling near your home, please remember to stay far away from the fallen power lines.
We appreciate our members' patience as we battle through the evening to restore power as safely and efficiently as possible for our members.
Posted: Friday, September 30, 2022, 3:30 pm
REMC currently reports 27 outages with over 700 members out of power. We ask the public to stay far away from fallen power lines, which our crews are repairing throughout our system.
Remember that the ground could be energized. Safety is the top priority. Call 1-877-REMC-OFF if you see power lines down in your area.
Posted: Friday, September 30, 2022, 2:30 pm
Randolph Electric currently reports 218 members out of power at 2:30 pm. Over the last 24 hours, REMC crews have restored power to over 600 members and have worked on scattered outages throughout our five-county territory.
REMC continues to anticipate scattered outages as bands from Hurricane Ian travel through the area.
We appreciate our members' patience as our crews work to restore electricity as safely and efficiently as possible.
Posted: Friday, September 30, 2022, 11 am
REMC has one small outage affecting seven members. All other members were restored right away after the previous post.
As local conditions deteriorate, we stand ready and are here for you. We will continue to update you on our website and our social channels.
You can view real-time satellite images of Hurricane Ian at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's website.
Posted: Friday, September 30, 2022, 10 am
Randolph EMC currently has two outages affecting fewer than 100 members at 10:05 am. Crews are patrolling the areas to find the causes. If you encounter a downed power line, stay well away from it as the ground may be energized. Call REMC at 1-877-REMC-OFF (1-877-736-2633).
You can also enroll in SPOTT alerts (Status of Power Outages Through Text) by following the instructions here.
REMC is closely monitoring weather reports and will keep members informed on our social pages as well as here.
Posted: Thursday, September 29, 2022, 4 pm
Although Hurricane Ian has been downgraded to a tropical storm and has shifted to the Atlantic, forecasters anticipate increased intensity and a return to hurricane status. Currently, the storm is set to make landfall again on Friday.
The National Weather Service has issued a Tropical Storm Warning and a Flood Watch for our service territory, to include heavy rain and winds Friday into Saturday.

Randolph Electric encourages members to use today to take care of "the three Bs."
The 3 Bs:
- Basics: Make sure you have enough bottled water to last up to three days in case you experience an outage. Stock your car and house with weather appropriate gear, clothes and blankets. Store food that your family can consume in case you do not have the ability to cook. Make accommodations for pets and livestock.
- Batteries: Keep your phones charged and make sure your flashlights have fresh batteries. Place batteries in an accessible location that is easy to find in the dark, should you lose power.
- Back-up plan: Communicate with loved ones and those with vulnerable health now. Tell them what time to expect you to check in on them in-person or on the phone during the storm. Make plans now about how and where this loved one will go in case he or she loses power.
Posted: Thursday, September 29, 2022, 10 am
Randolph Electric Membership Corporation has activated its Storm Response Plan and is closely monitoring Hurricane Ian whose remnants could impact its service area in Randolph, Moore, Montgomery, Chatham, and Alamance Counties. Recent models from the National Weather Service (NWS) predict strong wind gusts, heavy rain and possible flash flooding in central North Carolina Friday through Sunday.
Our crews stand ready to respond to the effects of this tropical event,” said Randolph EMC CEO Dale Lambert. “I encourage our members, also, to make preparations.”
With the potential for power outages, Randolph EMC line technician crews, member service staff and contract personnel are on stand-by to respond should power outages occur. REMC crews prepare year-round for storms and have ensured that equipment, supplies and inventories are fully stocked and available to perform any necessary repairs.
Tips for Severe Weather
Members can learn to stock their emergency kit by watching this short video. More resources for protecting your home, family, pets and livestock are available on
In the event of downed or low-hanging power lines, members and the public should exercise extreme caution. Damaged lines can still carry electric current and cause serious injury or death. Everyone should stay well away from downed lines and contact REMC immediately. Additionally, drivers should slow down and give utility crews and emergency responders on the side of road plenty of room to maneuver in their work area.
Reporting Outages
Members who experience a power outage should report it by calling 1-877-736-2633 (1-877-REMC-OFF). Members who have enrolled in REMC’s alert outage texting program, SPOTT (Status of Power Outages Through Texts), may also text OUT to this number to report an outage at their location. These members should note that outage status updates will be unavailable during major storm outage restoration efforts.
Throughout the duration of the storm, Randolph EMC offers several options for keeping members informed:
- Follow Randolph EMC on Facebook and Twitter
- View the online outage map at
- Find the latest press releases, alerts and preparedness tips on our website at
- Tune in to local TV and radio stations for the latest updates