REMC's 86th Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of Randolph Electric Membership Corp. was held in the gymnasium of Southwestern Randolph High School, 1641 Hopewell Friends Road, Asheboro, at 5:00 pm on Friday, June 21, 2024.


This Year's Features Included:


The agenda for the meeting included the following:

1) Report from Officers, Directors and Committees.

2) Election of Directors from Districts 5, 8 and 9.

3) Transaction of such other and further business as may have come before said meeting or any adjournments thereof.

This is pursuant to Article IV, Section 4.03 of the cooperative bylaws. Each member is urged to participate in the life of the cooperative.

Directorate Elections

One of the most important functions of the Annual Meeting is member-owners participating in the democratic process of electing members of our Board of Directors. The board is made up of members like you who live in our communities and work to make the best decisions for our cooperative.

Pursuant to Article V, Section 5.05 of the Bylaws of the Cooperative, Randolph EMC’s District Nominating Committees met on March 18, 2024, and selected the following candidates to represent their respective districts. No other members petitioned to add their names to the ballot for the 2024 Director Election. Therefore, each candidate was unopposed.

Pursuant to Article V, Section 5.03 of the Bylaws of the Cooperative, Randolph EMC dispensed with balloting for uncontested elections to spare the cooperative from incurring unnecessary expenses. The Credentials and Election Committee announced the results of the uncontested election at the 2024 Annual Meeting, and the members accepted the results by acclamation.


Delbert Cranford | District 5

Delbert Cranford represents District 5 on Randolph Electric Membership Corporation’s Board of Directors. He joined the board in 1989, serving as Board Vice President and President during his tenure.

Mr. Cranford has also served as President of the North Carolina Association of Electric Cooperatives, as a board member of North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation, and as a member and officer of the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation Board of Directors.

Mr. Cranford is a native of Randolph County, where he graduated from Farmer High School. He then earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He currently owns Denton Drug Stores, including five retail stores and two long-term care pharmacies.

Mr. Cranford has been married to his wife Cleta for 56 years. He attends the First Assembly of God in Asheboro.



Steve Harris | District 8

Steve Harris represents District 8 on Randolph Electric Membership Corporation’s Board of Directors. He joined the board in 1990, serving as both Board Vice President and President. He has also served as a member of the North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation’s Board of Directors.

Mr. Harris was born and raised in Carthage, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Engineering from North Carolina State University, and is the second-generation owner of Harris & Son Construction Company, Inc. Mr. Harris is active in local and state Home Builders Associations, and is a former member of the Moore County Planning and Zoning Board.

Mr. Harris is married to Virginia (Ginny) Needham Harris, and they have two sons and five granddaughters. He attends Bethlehem Baptist Church.



Billy Maness | District 9

Billy Maness represents District 9 on Randolph Electric Membership Corporation’s Board of Directors, currently serving as Secretary-Treasurer. Mr. Maness served as a Montgomery County Commissioner for eight years, with five of those years as the Chairman of the Board.

Mr. Maness is a native of Montgomery County, where he graduated from West Montgomery High School. He currently works as General Manager of Republic Services in Troy and was co-owner of Maness Tire and Retreading for 26 years.

Mr. Maness has been married to his wife Carla for 38 years. He attends Trinity United Methodist Church in Troy.



Asheboro, North Carolina

85th Annual Member Meeting of the Membership

June 16, 2023

The 85th Annual Member Meeting of the membership of Randolph Electric Membership Corporation (hereinafter called the “Cooperative”) was held at the Southwestern Randolph High School, Randolph County, North Carolina, beginning at 6:30 p.m. on June 16, 2023.

Registration was conducted starting at 5:30 p.m.

Entertainment was provided by The Harvesters.

President Jerry Bowman called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. He designated the Cooperative’s General Counsel, Aaron M. Christensen, to preside.

The invocation was given by Pastor Jody Harrison.  The presentation of colors was made by the Southwestern Randolph High School Jr. ROTC Cougar Battalion.

President Bowman led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the singing of the National Anthem by Hazy Ridge Bluegrass Band. 

Chief Executive Officer Dale Lambert introduced the special guests.

Mr. Christensen announced there were 902 Cooperative members registered, electronically or in person, and the number was sufficient to constitute a quorum.  A list of members present is attached and made a part of these minutes.

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the membership waived the reading of the Notice of the Meeting, the Proof of Mailing of the Notice, and the reading of the Minutes of the 85th Annual Member Meeting.  Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the membership approved the minutes of the 85th Annual Member Meeting.  The Notice of the Meeting and the Proof of Mailing of the Notice are attached to these Minutes.

President Bowman addressed the membership concerning the Cooperative’s operations.  President Bowman introduced the other members of the Board of Directors. 

Billy Maness, Secretary-Treasurer of the Cooperative, commented briefly regarding the Financial Report which was included with the 2022 Annual Report. 

Mr. Lambert addressed the membership concerning legislative and other significant issues affecting the Cooperative’s operations.

Mr. Christensen informed the membership concerning the importance of the election of Directors who govern the Cooperative.  He stated Bylaw Section 5.05 provides for nomination of Director candidates by District Nominating Committees.  He indicated it was the membership’s duty and privilege to elect Directors at this 85th Annual Member Meeting in Districts Two, Four and Seven.

Mr. Christensen introduced William S. Parks, Jr., Chairperson of the District Two Nominating Committee.  Mr. Parks presented the report of the District Two Nominating Committee, placing the name of Scott Cole in nomination. 

Mr. Christensen introduced Walker B. Moffitt, Chairperson of the District Four Nominating Committee.   Mr. Moffit presented the report of the District Four Committee, placing the name of Jerry Bowman in nomination. 

Mr. Christensen introduced Steven Ray Hussey, Chairperson of the District Seven Nominating Committee.  Mr. Hussey presented the report of the District Seven Nominating Committee, placing the name of Tammie Phillips in nomination. 

Mr. Christensen thanked each of the District Nominating Committee Chairpersons and the respective Members for their diligent work.  He stated the Cooperative had received no petitions from any members nominating any other candidates in any of the Directorate Districts.  He stated since none of the nominees in any of the respective Directorate Districts were opposed, it would be appropriate to elect the nominated candidates by acclamation.  Thereafter, upon a motion duly made and seconded, and unanimously approved, Mr. Cole was elected in District Two, Mr. Bowman was elected in District Four, and Ms. Phillips was elected in District Seven, all by acclamation.

Mr. Christensen administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected Directors.

Mr. Christensen thanked the members of the Election and Credentials Committee for their service during and prior to the meeting. 

Mr. Christensen called for any unfinished business.  There was none.

Mr. Christensen called for any new business.  There was none.

Whereupon, on a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned subject to the drawing for prizes. 

Respectfully submitted this 16th day of June 2023.