North Moore Student will represent REMC at 2024 Youth Tour
Emma Grace with Nicole Arnold and Dale Lambert

Each summer Randolph EMC joins other cooperatives around the nation to choose 1,600 of our nation’s brightest students to participate in the annual Youth Tour. From June 15-21, these student representatives will converge on Washington,D.C., to learn about American history, meet their members of Congress and explore the electric cooperative business model.This year, Randolph EMC awarded the honor to Emma Grace Morgan, a 10th-grader at North Moore High School.

Emma and her family are member-owners living in Star. REMC would like to thank all the applicants in this year's competition.Candidates exhibited strengths in many areas and made the decision fora finalist very difficult. We encourage these candidates to apply again next year if they remain eligible.Ultimately, Emma’s outstanding school and community involvement, work ethic and understanding of current affairs made her an excellent choice for this enriching experience.

We congratulate Emma on being our 2024 Youth Tourist.